Investigations & Risk Assessment
A thorough investigation can accurately assess the condition of your site. Has your site been accurately characterized? Does your consultant consistently find a “new problem” at your site years after you thought the investigation was completed? EnviroSolutions can help. Our engineers and geologists analyze site data to delineate the soil and groundwater impact. Most importantly, our investigations allow for the appropriate corrective action to be implemented the first time, thus saving the client time and money.

Our team of engineers, geologists and support staff have been working together for more than ten years, melding environmental science and engineering principles with the “real world” site conditions. We practice proven reliable methods to investigate and delineate the conditions beneath your site. An accurate investigation and site characterization is imperative to developing the most cost-effective corrective action. A faulty site characterization and risk assessment can result in the installation and operation of an ineffective or unnecessary treatment system potentially costing you hundreds of thousands of dollars. We are able to close many sites after the investigation where others might propose costly and only marginally effective remediation.
We will be your guide through the jungle of state and Federal environmental regulations and lead you to a clean site. We complete in-depth risk assessments to bring your site to closure without unnecessary site remediation costs. If a site remediation is necessary you can be sure that all means of potential closure have been pursued prior to starting any corrective action activities. Once your site has been accurately characterized, the appropriate risk assessment and corrective action will be completed timely. After all, isn’t wasting time costing you money?